Post by poukah on Jul 23, 2013 13:09:10 GMT 1
Regler för ranked play på ORBliero: - Options:
- Game Mode: Kill'em All
- Lives: 8
- Loading Times: 30%
- Max Bonuses: 4+
- Names On Bonuses: On
- Map: On
- Reload Level: On
- Load+Change: On
- Player Health: 100%
- Weapon Options: Inga Bannade vapen (Det är OK att stänga av vissa vapen som ingen vill använda, ställ isåfall de vapnerna på Bonus)
- F1 Menu:
Player Name: - Använd ditt spelar ID/din profil (är viktigt för att det ska bli rätt i replays)
Spelversion: - Redovisa:
- Posta replays från turneringen/duellen i en eller flera .zip/.7z/.rar-filer (max 1Mb per fil) i Ranking & Resultat.
- Posta resultat från turneringen, gärna inom spoiler-tag (för de som vill se matchen först)
[spoiler] Resultat [/spoiler] Det som ska redovisas är resultatet av alla matcher, dvs hur många liv vinnaren hade kvar. Skriv gärna tydligt/använd tableller. Du får om du vill gärna räkna ihop resultaten till hur många vinster & förluster, livbalans +/-, poäng etc, dock inget krav.
Post by poukah on Jul 23, 2013 13:24:59 GMT 1
Ranking Points
In order to calculate relative skill levels between players located in many different places ORBLiero uses a kind of Elo Rating System similar to that used in competative Chess. The difference in skill points between two players serves as a predictor of the outcome of the game, and the player with the higher rank will have more to loose in the event of a loss. If all players win an equal amount of games, they will all position themselves at 1000 Ranking Points (RP), but instead of starting out with 1000 RP, players will unlock these points from an individual Pool as more games are played.
Before a game, the amount of points unlocked will depend on how big a tournament that is to be played, a percetage of these along with the RP one already has are bet into the prize pool of the tournament, and afterwords distributed among the winning players.